PPP are proud new members of the Gallery Climate Coalition and, for our closing exhibition of the year, we’ve invited 60 painters to each submit a work on paper. The idea behind PPP on Paper is to raise funds for the GCC through the sale of these smaller works, which range from drawings and collage to oil paintings.
Since launching last year, GCC have been tirelessly raising awareness on the climate crisis and, specifically, the art world's impact on it. This year, they had a booth showing at Frieze London. They provide expert reportage and practical resources, such as carbon emission predictors, to help members reduce their carbon footprint.
In a report by the GCC this year, the biggest category of emissions from galleries was through shipping. Despite being an online platform, PPP is mindful of the many routes art travels. Victoria Siddall, one of the GCC , wrote, ‘what we realized we can do at GCC, as well as providing tools, is to lobby shippers and insurers, and have this conversation on behalf of galleries, large and small, from all over the globe.’
It's a hugely worthwhile cause. As predictions over climate change become ever more bleak, PPP on Paper will assist the work of the GCC, making a donation from every sale of the of painters from across the world.